What an eventful day! First the thrill of grocery shopping for the first time since June 13. Since that day I had been watered and fed by others...it is indeed tough to return to the lives of mere mortals...
But all was not lost...we enjoyed an exquisite brunch along the bay at the Rusty Pelican (with their fountain of no fat, no calories, no sugar chocolate), followed by Despicable Me, which was a very good movie that I kept feeling like I had seen it before...it had Boo from Monsters, supers (villains) as next door neighbors from Incredibles, the airplane rescue scene from Air Force One, the minions (the space aliens from Toy Story), and the story of a bad guy won over to the good side by the adorableness of kids (a gazillion movies)....but they really did it well...I thoroughly enjoyed it...much better than most of the I-can't-believe-anyone-could-live-thru-this-stunt-in-real-life movies that I regularly go to see.
I know that movies are supposed to get us to suspend belief but really...I would love to see someone make and action/adventure film (or thriller) where everything really could happen. Kinda like that Alfred Hitchcock bloke who believed that it would be much worse if you DIDN'T see it...all the bad or weird stuff happened off screen (watch Psycho for reference).
Finished the day by getting an iPod boombox REALLY on sale at Office Depot so I don't have to fiddle with changing radio frequencies on my next car excursion.
By the way...say a great quote on a facebook page today...
"If you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just... passes you by..."
What a great thought....and keep in mind that this applies to those you see (and love) all the time but just never take the chance to say it to...
As my buddy Arnie Hougland would say, "Carpe diem!!!"
I love you dad!!! Also I am glad to see you are keeping up your blog! Well, just to let you know I will definitely keep reading it!
ReplyDeleteMIss you. I am sure I will see you soon.