Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 18 - Dinner is Served

After a thrilling day of learning how the plan will work for assessing the New Science Standards we were whisked away (the first time I was out of the hotel in 3 days) to a dinner sponsored by the Helios Foundation (the fine folks that paid my way here). Now lets talk about the food for a minute. The Foundation paid for breakfast and lunch daily...breakfasts were so-so with things like egg quesadillas and bacon, egg, sausage things on some kinda bread...but lunch was heavenly! Huge salad bar, 2-3 entrees, bread pudding, cherry cobbler, turtle cheesecake, mango iced was to die for.

And I get one more tomorrow.

Dinner this evening wasn't bad (but it wasn't lunch!) with the after dinner speech by the nation's foremost expert on string theory, Sylvester James Gates.

And a big speech by Larry Plank, which was, of course, exciting. Also we all lined up and took a picture of the group with Dr. Gates for the school district banner. Keep an eye will be coming to an SDHC home page real soon.

The group flies out around 10 tomorrow, so I will be the lone district representative during the final 2 hours of the sessions.

Ultimate power is mine!!!!

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