Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 6 Amherst

Yesterday we spent an entire day learning about arsenic in food and water sources, learning valuable information....don't take hot showers, eat brown rice (or any rice for that matter), but seafood, despite really high levels of arsenic compounds, is safe so go and enjoy!

Today we will spend the morning exploring water quality experiments before heading to final analysis of our photographed data and head our on the road by, hopefully, three.

Good workshop, but I remain amazed at how far behind we are in the county at integrating math, science, and technology as problem solving tools. But, I guess as long as we have "STEM lite" proponents in charge of our school's individual initiatives, we will never get to where the future could allow us to take our kids.

What a great week....and I have $200 to spend on stuff...I am buying a set of primary color projection guns to show how color is created using light. Cool stuff!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 5 - UMass Amherst

First, I gotta say...this is the BEST college cafeteria in the UNIVERSE!!! The food is great!!! Salad bars (Individually prepared for you), dessert bars, four entree choices for LUNCH!!!! There is a vegan/vegetarian entree, Asian entree, pasta entree, and fast food/pizza entree. Two or three made to order stations, and everything is terrific!!!!

Lots of great STEM ideas such as measuring incidental ozone, organic matter levels in water, water quality testing, animal adaptation, net forces and motion analysis, genetic variations in skin color,and all done using digital snapshots and the free (did I say no money involved????) I mean really free software! Outstanding!

Even more exciting, I get to see Mary Anne and the kids and the grandbabies tomorrow (well, more likely Saturday as I will hit Brooklyn late). Time to run to free breakfast!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 5 - UMass Amherst

This has been an eye-opener of a workshop! I am seeing incredible challenges and technologies placed in front of middle school students that truly impress me. I have been awakened to how low our expectations are in our district....and I don't mean the teacher's expectations. Many of these districts are devoting entire months every school year in middle school to scientific process and lab work, while we have dropped the specialization completely off the middle school grid and only incorporate it within other content, which diminishes its importance.

We need to look at ourselves and see if we really are challenging the students by meeting them where they are and taking along on the ride with us as teachers. This is the difference between riding on the train and adding more logs to the fire and chasing after the accelerating train hoping to catch up while we, inevitably, leave those less able to handle those tougher courses behind. (Note: gratuitous force and motion reference courtesy of 6th grade curriculum and the NGSS, coming to a school near you, soon!)

While I have been considered an "innovator" and a teacher who "challenges" his students, I realize how really far I have to go to truly earn those monikers. (I just needed a way to use that word...its really cool and I haven't used it in a while).

Love the software we have received. It takes any photo and measures angles, distance, size, perimeter, area, albedo, virtually anything you can see and record on a digital photo. Wicked cool!!!! Nice group of teachers to work with, and I love what I am seeing, I only hope that I can make some of this really work in my environment.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day Three - UMass Amherst

Left the Microsoft Conference at 2 and travelled to spend the night in Jacksonville Friday. Left the hotel at 5AM and after making really great time encountered the rolling traffic jam that is Washington D.C.It took over an hour to cover the last 20 miles in Virginia to the hour to drive around DC on the Beltway, and then another hour to get past Baltimore. I HATE TRAFFIC!!!

Did I mention that I hate traffic?

I tried for empathy and solace and called my lovely wife, who kept trying to change the subject (I wonder why????) and Anne (my intended destination, who failed to answer repeated times. I was alone, frustrated and...


Got to Brooklyn at 7:30PM (I did not stop for longer then 10 minutes at any time, but I did get to listen to the ENTIRE, unabridged audiobook of Dan Brown's "Inferno". (Great story, nice plot twists, but if he could only write it would be a good book). Held Avery for 30 seconds before she went to first time EVER holding the baby! Played with Addison (and helped her unload the gift box) for about 30 minutes....

Then the coolest thing...Around 2 AM, Addison came out to the living room and crawled on the couch with me and we slept until 8:30. How cool is that!!!!

Doesn't matter how cool Digital STEM is....the best part of the trip through Friday, when I head back to Brooklyn, will be last night...hands down!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 1 - 2013 the sequel

Finished a week with Microsoft education trainers and while I have learned a lot about innovative Microsoft technology and the Windows 8 system, its all stuff I have had on my MacBookPro for years. I have arrived in Jacksonville, hitting a bit of rain on I-10 coming across Florida, and have settled for the night. Tomorrow....I will try to make the 12 hour trip, weather permitting all the way to Brooklyn! I will hit the road by 5AM (with a little luck) and have the 2nd longest day of the year riding with I hope to make good time (not "Good Times" - Dynomite!!!!) now to check the weather report....

Day 1. The Travels of 2013

I start off a new summer of travels with a much limited schedule than expected, and, I admit, a little less thrill. I had been accepted to three workshops....Digital STEM at UMass, Amherst (starting Sunday) where we will explore using digital photography as an assessment/analysis tool across the middle school curriculum....MAVEN, a NASA workshop at UCal Berkeley, looking at the next Mars mission studying the atmosphere and gravitational pull of the red planet...and a week at Niagara Falls studying the Erie Canal and its impact on several levels. But I had to cancel MAVEN as the stipend of $700 barely covered air fare and I am just too poor to afford supplementing the stipend. Also, I have ClinEd training that week, which will allow me to remain at the forefront of a HELIOS/USF/District grant project that will place perspective middle school science teachers in a year long co-teach I will get a partner/intern for a whole year!!! Can't pass that up. Also, that last workshop I gave up since I have the District's STEM Institute for 3 days in Sarasota at the same time....and being in a new school next year, I want a least at week to set up my classroom.

So its off to the great Northeast for the STEM Institute right after I finish my Microsoft Partners in Education workshop this afternoon. More to come...stay tuned!