Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 3

Those pictures are a thing of the past...the garage, alas poor, Yorick, is finished. However, there remains the small matter of 4 crates full of papers and lesson plans that need to be sorted and filed.

That, dear Horatio, is what I will plow into in the morn.

I continue to be amazed at the collection of junk that resides in my garage. The tubs are stacked so high, and are so full, that ones at the bottom are collapsing under their own gravity, much like having an entire garage full of mini black holes that will eventually cause the Earth itself to collapse in on itself starting in my front yard.


I also realize that I now have an almost complete collection of 6" Star Trek figures (I am missing Checkov), but I make up for the missing Ensign by having 2 Kirk's, 2 Scotty's, and 2 McCoy's, a 12 inch Spock, a 14 inch NCC-1701 Enterprise, 3 Star Trek glasses (sadly the 4th failed to rematerialize in transport), a mini-communicator (circa-Hallmark, an original and Next gen tricorder, original and next-gen phasers, a sound effects St device, a squeaking crewman badge, Star Trek Scene It, and a pack of trading cards....

oh, I forgot the Kirk and Spock bobbleheads...

Now I need to turn my attention to getting the Beatle DVD's Anthology, and cartoon figurines....since I have the Yellow Submarine figures (12 inch) plus the yellow sub, the blue meanie, the glove, a hat, 2 backpacks, 12 magnets, Beatles Monopoly, and too many Beatle books..

I am amazed at the amount of stuff I have collected over the years....and I won't even start on the Harry Potter stuff....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25

As the new pictures will show....a team of excavators has been working around the clock, spreading artifacts from the dig site known as the "garage"....and, compounding the effort were several annoying "disturbances"...

It rained....

So I could not spread the "dig" across the ancient driveway (didn't Fred have a car that was foot-powered?)

We went shopping...

Hit the outlets yesterday so Mom could trade in her recently acquired Guess purse for an updated model.....I did buy a pair of pants at Saks 5th Avenue so I feel particularly trendy today...

There is this workshop thing going on....

If I didn't have this 2 week workshop to go to I would just finish in a day or so...but I have another week in the workshop (and another $625) so I am not inclined to clear the debris anytime soon...

Is this what it was like in Jurassic Park?

Its like when Groucho hosted the park in his TV show...."You bet Jurassic (yourassik) Park...say the secret word and you don't get eaten by 200 dinosaurs...."

Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23

A truly sad day....

I have to go to the worlds most boring workshop (It's official! That is what they have renamed this workshop!) at USF this morning at 8:30 while Mom has the day off to sit in the sun, sip pina coladas by the bucketful while lounging next to the pool....

Life is, indeed, unfair.

The restocking of the garage project continues to prove that time is, in fact, relative, since time miraculously speeds up whenever I start to work on it, allowing me to get very little done before I am forced by life to move on to something else. Yet, it seems as if the house has been cluttered with innumerable boxes since as far back as recorded time. This paradox (which, by the way, is what you have when 2 boats at sitting together at 2 separate piers - a pair of docks) continues to confound me so I think I will create a theorem for it, publish, and give lectures at $20K a pop from now on.

And, as a corollary to the above, the time before my forced return to a life of work and uncertainty seems to be speeding toward me at warp speed while this workshop week has been going agonizingly slow.

Sudden revelation: What a great supervillain....Time Man - who can control 30 second bursts of time! (He could not control all time since that would make him invincible...and he would never need to take time to monologue...)

Just a thought...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 20

One again I am stuck in the bowels of the garage, rearranging and cleaning the vast amounts of STUFF we have accumulated through our long, and often pointless, lives.


I feel better now.

At the moment there are 26 boxes/containers in my office, 22 in the small bedroom, 9 more in the hallway, and 12 in the living room (which, has not gone unnoticed) along with the 6 crates and 5 suitcases behind the couch, and 2 blocked aisles in the garage as I try to organize our lives....

Which by the way, were royally screwed up by the wizards of the education world yesterday...Instead of getting my full $500 travel allowance by the financial guru's at Texas A&M, I got only $428. Now while I really only spent $428, their mileage payment was said to be 50 cents a mile and I traveled 1035 miles ONE-WAY! You do the math!

Also I learned that my current workshop will pay out in 4-6 WEEKS AFTER the workshop ends next Friday....that means I may get my money (to be used for my anniversary on August 12, sometime in mid to late September!

Finally the 5 days of workshops I was to take and be paid for from August 9-13 is now one workshop on August 10.

Guess I will sell lemonade along the street....

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19

Reality has reared its ugly head....

Following two terrific workshops where I met (and continue to be in touch with) the most amazing group of people...I started my last workshop of the summer co-hosted by Hillsborough County Schools and funded by a state grant that should tell you all you need to know about this workshop...

Its not even worth the $125 a day they are paying me to attend AND on top of THAT....we won't see any money until mid to late September for this!

And you wonder why people do not wish to remain teachers!

Anyway...the pool is nice even if the weather has a heat index of 105 and there is no rain or break in the temperature in sight...

Think its time for no calorie, no fat, no sugar, no flavor ice cream!

July 18

What an eventful day! First the thrill of grocery shopping for the first time since June 13. Since that day I had been watered and fed by others...it is indeed tough to return to the lives of mere mortals...

But all was not lost...we enjoyed an exquisite brunch along the bay at the Rusty Pelican (with their fountain of no fat, no calories, no sugar chocolate), followed by Despicable Me, which was a very good movie that I kept feeling like I had seen it before...it had Boo from Monsters, supers (villains) as next door neighbors from Incredibles, the airplane rescue scene from Air Force One, the minions (the space aliens from Toy Story), and the story of a bad guy won over to the good side by the adorableness of kids (a gazillion movies)....but they really did it well...I thoroughly enjoyed it...much better than most of the I-can't-believe-anyone-could-live-thru-this-stunt-in-real-life movies that I regularly go to see.

I know that movies are supposed to get us to suspend belief but really...I would love to see someone make and action/adventure film (or thriller) where everything really could happen. Kinda like that Alfred Hitchcock bloke who believed that it would be much worse if you DIDN'T see it...all the bad or weird stuff happened off screen (watch Psycho for reference).

Finished the day by getting an iPod boombox REALLY on sale at Office Depot so I don't have to fiddle with changing radio frequencies on my next car excursion.

By the way...say a great quote on a facebook page today...
"If you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just... passes you by..."

What a great thought....and keep in mind that this applies to those you see (and love) all the time but just never take the chance to say it to...

As my buddy Arnie Hougland would say, "Carpe diem!!!"

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 15

Today was a housework day...oh joy of joys, what glee, what fun, what a joyous expression of life! First, with the wonder and awe of a 2 year old discovering the world of an amusement park for the first time, I discovered the length and diversity of the weeds growing in the front gardens. After working in the delightful 94 degree heat with 658% humidity for 4 hours, and managing to clear less than 10% of the from landscape...I finally quit, but carried the remainders of soreness and aching in places even I did not realize had muscles.

Then I spent an hour helping those muscles develop permanent tears and lesions by moving the next section of stuff from the garage THROUGH THE ENTIRE HOUSE to the rear bedroom, because we can not have the stuff cluttering the living room.

Following my collapse and utter exhaustion, I was graced with the honor of writing a check to pay for the lawn cutting followed by another contribution to Pizza the Hut because my poor, battered hands could not handle the delicacies of making dinner.

All of this occurred before yet another installment of All My Children....

And those people think they live a soap opera!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13

The reality of turning back into a pumpkin truly hit when it was pointed out that I did not properly clean the kitchen after dinner.

On the bright side it was nice to have someone familiar to share events of the day with. Often we do not appreciate how much of life is shared and how precious that really is.

I also do fully realize that I share the kitchen counter tops and appreciate how valuable life is, particularly when discussing the matter in a room filled with knives and other sharp objects.

I managed to get all paperwork from the workshops sorted and appropriately filed, sort through and retrieve essential articles from 22 days worth of newspapers, line up the next projects on tap (yardwork - 3 days needed; garage reclaiming - weeks, as it will take a skilled team of excavators working around the clock with no sleep (it would take even longer if they worked in their sleep)weeks just to reach floor, let alone try to organize. The problem is they have already organized and have gone on strike so I will have to do it myself.

However, tonight I received 3 catalogs in the mail from CD and/or DVD warehouses, and I feel an urgent need to conduct some extensive research into their contents. The kitchen counters will, thus, have to wait for another day....

But first I think I will move the knives to a safer place.

July 12

Arrived home early in the afternoon, despite a vicious rainstorm around Gainesville that forced me to pull off the road since I could barely see to the end of my car's hood. The final tally...3916.8 miles, averaging 59 miles per hour, using 130 gallons of gasoline (at an average $2.60 per), and getting 30.5 miles per gallon.

I started with an audiobook on the way back from Savannah (Wicked), but quickly lost interest and moved back to music....listening to 70's music for most of the last 7 hours.

I have to admit a sense of sadness upon my return. For the last 3+ weeks I got to do and experience incredible things....the Planting Science workshop was absolutely amazing in terms of both content and people....The Blue Ridge Parkway was AMAZING and I really would love to go back and take a couple of weeks to explore and hike the trails.

But the most amazing thing about it were the people...The Texas group was PHENOMENAL and I will miss the conversations and the company. There were so many that I wish I could have spent more time with...gotten to know better...had the opportunity to see in a classroom..and gotten to know as friends (for more than just 9 days. Gosh I hope they were serious about going back next summer. WRITE ME IN!!!

As to the Blue Ridge...the scenery and the campus were GORGEOUS!!! A lot of this large workshop (38 attendees),were from private schools, and there was a different attitude here. There was a lot more ego....a lot more cliques....and a lot less genuine sharing....although I met 3 or 4 people here that I felt just as strongly about leaving as I did the folks in Texas.

I have never done this before and now I am ready to try this every summer. IT WAS FANTASTIC! However, I am back in my normal life and role...paperwork still has to be done....the garage is again a disaster and I will have to clean it....the weeds invaded the landscape during my trip and have gained a foothold which only a massive assault (which will be hot and sweaty) will have any effect.

I am back to being a normal schlep...but for three brief weeks I was a contender...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day Twenty Two

Way too many states (Maryland, DC, Virginia, North Carolina)....way too many miles (550 perhaps???).....no audiobooks....went for MUSIC today....started with Eddie Rabbitt, moved to Don McLean, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, the Beatles for a couple of hours, and the an hour of Ringo to commemorate his birthday this past week...ending with Wicked.

Tonight is a night of quiet sadness....the Netherlands played brilliantly for 115 minutes (however the game lasted for 116)....Amanda is at the beach, Gwen is headed to Europe, my girls have all gone home, my wife left me (well, she took a plane back to Tampa but its the thought that counts), a new group has already taken their first ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway, while another group has already been greeted and presented with their honorary celery by Claire in Texas....

In short...I have been replaced!

And I still look like somebody's grandfather because I have not yet died my hair.

I think I will eat some worms (the non gummy type).

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day Twenty One

3 states (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina)...754 miles....3 sodas....1 audiobook (on the theft of the Mona Lisa in 1912....great book, by the way!)

Left the friendly confines of the ASU campus, where the cool mountain air (the gal in the 24-hour check out center had not one...not two....but THREE, count 'em three fans pointed in her direction as Mountaineers don't need AC. The average day temp in Boone this time of year is in the 70's.....and I had to pick the week where they were setting heat records!

But I was treated to some great views on the way home, and, to be perfectly honest, would have driven the Parkway all the way through Skyline Drive if I had not been meeting my family.....

Next time...

Great to see everyone in Baltimore! Dinner was at Phillip's where the crab cakes were good but the bread pudding was even better! One night in Charm City and then back on the road and heading back to Tampa after a short stop in DeeCee! Check out the cool crab hat picture!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day Twenty

And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain.....

Workshop #2 is history, but it was a very good last day. Although I did not win a Mercedes for the second straight workshop, we started the day off with a blast as a design engineer gave us an excellent 2 hour lecture on the design elements of the Parkway, followed by a couple of hours on the National Park Service and the things those nice folks do for teachers.

The bus trip was less exciting....my excellent bus companion of a day ago ran off and left me for another camper....and while hitting the scenic overviews one last time it immediately started to pour (buckets, folks...I am talking buckets here...not drizzle, not a mist, not a light, hot, or baby shower....buckets...in like 5 seconds....we are talking 0 to drenched in 5.2 seconds)

And it did this not once but twice (the second time as I am carrying an umbrella and I STILL got soaked before I could get the darn thing open!).

I am glad to be leaving Boone.

The plan is to hit the road by 4:30...and get to Baltimore by 1-ish, weather permitting.

Guess I will fire up the ol Willie Nelson...."On the road again...."

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day Nineteen

Well, it was the best of times and it was the worst of times. First, I had an exceptional partner on the bus for the first time all week. Not that the others were terrible, but today I enjoyed the company and the conversation, as well as a short nap, but then again, I do look like somebody's grandfather so I guess a nap is not out of the question!

This morning we went to Price Lake, another man-made lake, and set off on what was to be a 2.5 mile walk and talk around the lake, but it turned into about a half mile walk (we ran out of time), and while the talking part was terrific (with lots of ideas on in-the-field field trips, I really wished that we had completed the walk.

After a really long bus ride with a really underwhelming lunch, we arrived at a parkway stop for another incredibly rambling lecture. The topic was interesting....only the lecturer was not. We then drove around the corner (where we could have held the lecture with greater effect) to see an old, overgrown picnic site and rest cabins that were designated for blacks only during the segregated period on selected stops on the Parkway. A very enlightening visit.

We then visited the site of Brinigan's Cabin...built in the 1870's it was used by a 4 member family until the early 1940's. This was how the true, old-time, Appalachian families lived before the Parkway.

Tomorrow, we will bid our farewells at the end of the day, and I must say, while I really regretted the Texas workshop coming to an end...I have few regrets that this one is almost over. A week was all that was needed here. It was informative, enjoyable, and it will be good to be heading to Baltimore!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A note...

I forgot that the pictures are reversed when downloaded. The first pix are from the App State campus...then the Cone Manor on the hilltop down to Bass Lake, a man made lake at the bottom.

Day Eighteen

Well it started out better when there were no sirens, bells, whistles, or other sounds of alarm during breakfast. Today we spent the morning at Flat Top Manor, the summer home of Moses and Bertha Cone. Moses made a fortune in denim in the early 1900's. He was a Baltimore Native (and his sisters collection of Matisse and Picasso paintings, which they bought when both were unknown, struggling artists, are in the Cone wing of the Baltimore Museum of Art), and to show off his wealth he bought a ton of land, built a couple of lakes and a big house on top of a hill near Chimney Rock.

The first dozen or so pix are from the bottom of the hill at Bass Lake looking up on the hill toward the Manor. We then went to the manor and inside, and even snapped a picture of a Picasso drawn of Moses' sisters.

Beautiful home and view... after walking in the Sun for hours we came back, ate a BIG lunch, and then sat in comfy, soft chairs in an air conditioned room while a speaker, whom I am sure would have been very interesting if I had been able to keep my eyes open long enough to listen to her, droned on about the makeup of the people of Appalachia.

This evening was much better...first a storyteller told some Jack Tales (He was OK but the guy at the Orchard yesterday was better), and 2 grad students who played Appalachia tunes (splitting banjos, guitars, and a fiddle between them). They explained the differences between old time and bluegrass music, how instruments, like the banjo are played differently in each, and how the instruments and their roles in the music differ in each. They were exceptional musicians, and the evening was terrific!

Tomorrow we are on the bus all day....3 stops on the Parkway....it will be a gas!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day Seventeen

Wow! What a day! It started with my heading out for a nice, quiet breakfast before the crowd hit....and I notice 200 teenagers waiting outside the cafeteria heading for breakfast (wrestling camp).

THEN...as I get inside and am 20 or so places from the actual food....the fire alarm goes off...we are herded outside...wait 30 minutes to be allowed back in at which time they have virtually no hot breakfast since EVERYONE was outside and no one was inside making it!

At 8:15 we headed out for a 90 mile drive on the Parkway to a mineral museum. You have not experienced life until you have visited a mineral museum. (Note to reader: that is sarcasm.)

After another 45 minutes on the bus we arrived at Mt. Mitchell State Park and had a leisurely lunch in the highest restaurant east of the Mississippi. Nice view, pricey food, but not bad either. Very enjoyable lunch.

We rounded the bend and made the climb to the top of Mt. Mitchell (named after Elisha Mitchell, who may or may not have been the first to measure it). This is the highest mountain east of something. (It used to be called the highest mountain East of the Rockies, but a peak in the Dakotas is higher....It is called the highest East of the Mississippi but there are questions about that as well). Most of the pix came from there.

We then took and hour ride back (with no air in the back of the bus and smoke pouring from the brakes while riding on a highway in the mountains with no guard rails.) and went to the Orchard which had Muscadine Cider, Hershey's Ice Cream, and an old golden retriever. The owner told us numerous stories of people and events in the area (perhaps the best story teller I have ever heard, but I guess you would expect it...he used to work for NASA).

During this long bus ride I realized 2 things....most of the people here are really nice, and really good teachers, and, just like the last workshop, there is one person I can really not stand. Arrogant, teaches in a rich private school, and thinks all public schools, teachers, and administrators are inferior to him.

The truth is....he could not cut it in Tampa....he's not good enough to teach kids who NEED him...only those who would succeed anyway...

All in all a GREAT day...great pictures...and 4 days until Baltimore!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day Sixteen

After a morning of discussing the politics and construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway with author (and NC professor) Anne Mitchell Whisnant, we hopped the bus and headed out to two locations, now highlighted on my Facebook page and above in the slideshow - First to the Linn Cove Viaduct, which was the last section of the Parkway completed (finished in 1985 after nearly 40 years of wrangling). We were able to walk under the Viaduct and get some pictures before heading to Linville Falls.

Following a mile long hike uphill, the view was SPECTACULAR! We then took a ride around the backside of Grandfather Mountain (but the old man was a bit tired so we did not visit) and headed back to App State.

Methinks I will be a bit sore tomorrow.

Oh, by the way, we hike to the top of the highest peak East of the Mississippi on an all day field trip tomorrow...Mt. Mitchell in the Black Mountains!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day Fifteen

118 miles....only 1 state (North Carolina)...Discovered that Saturn Astra's do not particularly like mountains.....

We took our first ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway....stopped at E.B. Jeffress Park where I took a couple of mountain shots before we followed a trail to the top (and then bottom) of a waterfall....more photo ops! 38 in this workshop (6 from Florida) and with those numbers, and rarely working in cooperative groups, I don't think I will have the kind of bonding that we had in Texas....but...

The room is twice as big....we have all meals provided....and I am sitting with the windows open and a gentle, cool, mountain breeze is blowing into my room....It is bliss!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day Fourteen

Actually I rather wimped out today....opting to just sit and attempt to finish my last book on the blue Ridge Parkway. Everything is packed and I will be ready to head out to Boone in the morning.

It is always nice to come back to Charlotte and see the old town....so much has changed but Lupie's chili is still wonderful, the schools all look the same, as does the house, and Independence Blvd. is still under construction.

The saddest pert of the day was walking into O'Charley's restaurant and having the hostess (who was in her 20's) tell me that I look like her grandfather. There is no question - I am DEFINITELY dying my hair on my return. I will NOT be looking like anyone's grandfather!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day Thirteen

All Charlotte...All the Time

Probably more than 100 miles....started at Discovery Place, which no one in this family will recognize....completely renovated....Challenger Room - gone....Rat Basketball - gone...Electricity Show in the Big Theater - gone....Traveling exhibits - gone. Now its all glitz and lights and electronics....still lots of hands on but all of the shows/programs are gone. It was disappointing....but I did get a couple of posters and a T-shirt...and got to talk with Ervin for a few minutes....as well as seeing a couple of others I used to work with...

From there I visited the old sights...First Ward, Chantilly, Northwest, and the old House....pictures are above...

AND....the absolute best junk store in the UNIVERSE - Ollie's where they had ALL of the old Star Trek figures at $2.99!!!! (I bought 6!)....and the world's greatest used media store....Magnolia....WOW!!! I could drop thousands in this store....but I behaved....I had to buy a small camera so I resisted!

Picked up a camera just like the ones they loaned us in Texas....so I am armed and ready for pictures on the Blue Ridge Parkway!

What will I do tomorrow?????

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day Twelve

I am in beautiful Gastonia! And its a good thing I arrived here when I did as I-85 northbound in Gastonia was closed after a bus rammed a tractor trailer, spinning it around and completely blocking the interstate in the middle of a bridge!

Today's tally....4 states (Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina....462 miles....no audiobooks, but I listened to the entire Who collection (all of Tommy, and 37 other songs, as well as my sixies folder on the iPod.....8 emails or Facebook messages from Texas workshop participants....4 new friends on Facebook.

Still no grandchildren.

The Hampton in Gastonia is Bee-utiful!!!! I confirmed that I do have enough clothing so I will not have to do another wash load until my return. Have presents for Mom, Anne, and Megan....but I didn't buy anything for me.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day Eleven on the Road again

The tally - 4 states (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama)
12 hours; 764 miles; 2 tanks of gas; 1 bag of cherries, half a can of cashews, 2 diet cokes.
One audiobook - Book 4 of Percy Jackson completed.....Book on the theft of the Mona Lisa in 1917 begun.

The odyssey began this morning at 4, right after checking out....roads in Texas are boring....all roads seem to have a 70mph speed limit, there are almost no towns between College Station and I-20. Boring state. However, Mississippi and Alabama were very pleasant to drive through....rolling hills....lots of trees...very nice drive.

Little traffic, small bits of light rain but nothing to get hung up about, and calls from Meg and Mary Anne made the trip go by fast....
Tomorrow...Charlotte!!! (And Lupie's for dinner!)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day Ten

The Song is Over......

Well the first workshop has come to an end following a discussion started when one teacher mentioned that one of her students asked if it was true that if you swallow gum, that it could stay in your stomach for up to 5 years. She said that it would probably pass through the system long before then. The student then said, "What if you swallowed 5 pounds of gum?" Which, in fact he did (on a dare).

Can you image the volume of gum it would take to make 5 pounds?

While this discussion was going on, someone ventured the hypothesis as to what might happen if he had beans for dinner that night.....

What a great workshop and what a terrific bunch of people! It was fantastic and I am sorry to see it end. I am at 1168 miles and tomorrow will try to leave at 4:30 to stay ahead of Alex....the journey will be about 12 hours, 3 states, and about 700 miles.
But what a great start it has been!

Hey family...call me in the car.....it will be along trip!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day Nine

The last full day for the Institute. Edith, from Holland, left this morning...two of our presenters left on Saturday....but not to fear....we were joined at breakfast downstairs by 200 middle and high school basketball players here for a clinic and staying, you guessed it, here at the Traditions! We spent the day in planning how we would set up a module (of our choice - I chose the one where kids could watch plant sex) in our classrooms.

Actually it was a terrific day...full of discussions, ideas, and suggestions. Best day of the Institute so far. We all went out to our last group dinner, as many are leaving tomorrow afternoon. We also had homework in the form of 8 pages of after action surveys, but I just kept putting down that the way they could best support me is with a new Mercedes convertible.

I also sent you a link to a snapfish album (or 2) that contains pictures from the week that 2 of may fellow classmates with working (not dead) cameras uploaded. I am in a few pix but only a few of the 700. Tomorrow....the end of phase one!

Day Eight (A Day Late)

What a fascinating day! It began at 6AM as I proceeded down the stairs here at the Tradition to the all exciting laundry room for some meaningful time with my dirty wash. During the down time (as the machines worked and I did not) I spent meaningful time with my continued reading on the biography of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Previously I had read the biography of a mountain in the Blue Ridge, and while I thought there was nothing more boring than that....I was wrong.

We did have workshop sessions throughout the afternoon, after which I treated myself to dinner at Outback.

I deserved it...I earned it....I ate it.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day Seven

Not at all what I thought it would be....

After reading that we were "sketching" today, I went out and excitedly bought a cool set of Prismacolor pencils and a sketch book....

This morning we gathered at 8:30 to head to the Holistic Garden at A&M, armed with cameras and encouraged to both take pictures and to collect plant samples to draw. After returning to our workroom....we used neither! The botanical illustrator who ran the session had us TRACING a collected flower or provided veggie on a plastic picture frame and then copying it on to tracing paper! Botanical illustrators apparently, don't actually draw anything! The only productive part of the morning was the time we spent learning how to shadow drawings to create a 3-D appearance....Unfortunately we only did this for 20 or 30 minutes before being rushed on to the next phase....Where we were given a comprehensive, all-inclusive, complete, unabridged, no stone left unturned, no child left behind, expansive 30 minute workshop in watercolors.

The first (and only) not worth the drive day of what, so far, has been a great workshop....

Tomorrow....at 7AM I journey into laundryland!!!! Its wash day (and with a little luck) I may just have enough clean laundry to make it back to Tampa without doing anymore wash!

Or I may just have to buy new clothes (what a shame....a dirty job - pun intended -but someones gotta do it....

On a sad note it appears the camera has finally passed away. RIP old friend.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day Six Continued...

(Sung to the tune of the Brady Bunch Theme...)

Here's the story,
Of a frisky C-fern,
Who was alternating all its generations.
So we put em in some auger,
Inside a house of foil.

Here's germination,
Sex determination,
As the sperm are getting busy on their own.
They were swimming,
Looking for the mitten, and the archegonia.

Till the one day when the lady met this fellow,
and they made a brand new baby zygote.
That this plant,
Must somehow form a root (and stem).
That's the way / they became /diploid sporophytes,
Diploid sporophytes- diploid sporophytes
That's the way / they became /diploid sporophytes.

Don't you feel better now?

Day Six

The Adventure of Eating....

Two days ago the group wanted to go out for BBQ....They decided NOT to have the two of us with cars drive to a "nearby" BBQ house, after all, it was only "a mile away". We started walking at 6. After passing through the Dakota badlands, we finally ended up in a Canadian BBQ joint somewhere outside of Montreal. Although the BBQ was good...the walk in 97 degree heat at 87% humidity was not. The highlight of the trip was finding a flattened (to the size of a sheet of paper) frog and field mouse as well as a rotted opossum carcass.

You'd think we would have learned.

Tonight, our fearless leader Claire (the mastermind of the week - and doing a great job) led us on a 2-car expedition to find a steakhouse. She had "GPS directions". Right. After driving for 15 minutes down Texas Avenue, they pulled over to ask directions at a Domino's pizza. They never heard of the place, but, they claimed to have "GPS" directions to another steakhouse.

You'd think we would have learned, part deux.

After driving out of College Station, through Bryan, Texas, out of Bryan, Texas, through Canada and across the Bearing Strait, 30 miles LATER, we finally found out that we "probably passed it". Luckily, one of my astute riders located a Steakhouse we had passed back in Bryan....20 minutes earlier. We went back and I had absolutely, without question, the most awful steak I have ever had in my life!

However, the day was not without its high point, where we turned the life cycle of the C-Fern into the Theme From the Brady Bunch....For more on that....see the next post!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day Five

Another exciting day discussing the wild and weird world of plant sex and ceratopteris! Yes we learned about (and saw) it all!!! And we will spend some time tomorrow drawing it!! Whoo-hoo!

We had hoped for a cooler day and got it....it rained during lunch but I was prepared having packed my poncho in my computer bag just in case of an afternoon shower. The only problem was - I was at Chick Fil A on campus and my poncho was....in my computer bag. Needless to say...I got wet.

I will be seeing Ervin from Discovery Place a week from Friday and get to see the renovations the museum has gone through.

Hard to believe, but tomorrow at noon we will be half way done with the workshop. Everyone here has been terrific and I am learning a lot....now if I get paid....and when that actually happens....well...that's what makes the future so exciting!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day Four

Not quite as exciting a day....it seems that much of this project is way over the heads of middle schoolers (and the group attending are so much more expert with the lab procedures and material) but I can definitely see how I can adapt it to meets my kids needs...and I am learning a tremendous amount.

The folks running the program are terrific! Today we continued on our Celery Challenge, where we are competing against all of the other groups to design a way to make our celery bend the most (in a 24-hour period). We also spent a good portion of the afternoon discussing plant sex....which is not nearly as boring as animal sex, although I will not elaborate on the subject....for more information go to

Its a bit late and I am headed out to catch a bite, get some ice and toilet paper (since they think one roll will last us for 10 days), and then settle in for some exciting Charlotte Danielson videos....gosh, I live an exciting life!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day Three

Walking....1 state (texas).....1 mile....

First Day of the workshop was pretty cool. Got into a long conversation with the lady from Holland (who lives near Arnhem where Anne and I spent a night at a youth hostel and visited a theme park) about setting up a joint plant project between one of her schools and Ferrell and having the kids swap data online in blogs....

We compared day old celery to fresh celery in preparation for a challenge that will have us competing in trying make our celery stalk droop the most over 4 days. Later we created a C-Fern culture and placed it in a climate controlled crate (see the picture when loaded) for cultivation. Also visited 3 of Texas A&M's greenhouses...cool stuff!
Tomorrow I will try to get to the bookstore!

Pictures were uploaded into the blog but the old ones (which I deleted) are still there while the new ones are not showing. I will need my Blog guru, Megan, to sort this out for me....

People seem nice....the workshop seems that like it will offer a LOT that I could use if I were still in a classroom, but I am not sure how much I can sell to my new teachers....

Dinner at a cowboy hamburger joint (blah) but the Texas chili (with beans) was really good. I am tired and will snack on cherries....by the way the fitness room is way cool....went up at 5 this morning and rode on a bike with a programmable screen so you can watch the route (I chose a sunset ride through a park) as you pedal. I could get into this!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day Two

2 states - Louisiana, Texas ... 485 miles... 97 degrees... five books, one shirt, one pair of jeans and one pair of shoes

A lovely day for driving but not a good one for actually getting out of the car. In two days I have completed 2 audiobooks - American Creation by Joseph J. Ellis, and Book 4 in the Percy Jackson series...

I have arrived in Aggieland...Texas A&M is huge....the dorm is a set up similar to Emory's suite arrangement...two bedrooms each with ample closet space, dresser, desk, bed and sink with a joint bathroom and a common living area (no kitchen) but the building offers a meal plan to students with its own food service area. Nice pool, weight/fitness room - view it all at http://www.livethetradition.com/

Met most of the folks attending....nice mix of old and young teachers, middle and high school are about split 50/50....most seem pretty outgoing...folks from NY, Hawaii, Holland, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Kansas, 3 from Florida...

The high points of the evening were 1) Learning about the Creamery where they made ice cream the old fashioned way as part of the diary program and 2) The world's most colossal used book, CD, vinyl, DVD, VHS, video game store.....its FABULOUS! Its getting late, I am getting old, and I am not getting sleep....so its time to rest!
Goodnight and thank you one and all for all of the Father's Day calls repeatedly throughout the day.

One note to My Dearest Beloved Wife.....the store you wanted me to stop at in Houston should be open by November....do you want me to wait?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Road Trip Day One

Day one log....4 states (Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana), 603 miles, one bag of cherries (and they were delicious!)

What an easy ride! No traffic until Alabama (or after 6 hours on the road), no rain until Mississippi....lots of Ringo billboards (He's at one of the casinos in 2 weeks), no tar in any of the waterways I passed and no notices of any beach closings...Oil's well that ends well....

I have been tasked with visiting an outlet center outside of Houston (That I just happen to be driving past....that just happens to have a Talbot's outlet....what a coincidence...) so I will leave right after my complementary breakfast (They are doing it for me because it's Father's Day and has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that this is a Hampton Inn. Megan had the more fun day (at Coney Island) but I went through more states so I win.

First, an update

The world can rest easier tonight, as, for a nominal fee (a small South Pacific island), the pool guy (who does not do residential pools) fixed said pool and the water is again clear and algae free.

Yesterday we did Toy Story 3.... I don't know how they did it...but it is as good, if not better than the rest....I think its the end....the end id the best ending for a movie that anyone could have written. It was terrific!

Now on to the road....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vacation, like all good things, comes to an end

After 3 days of sipping pina coladas and soaking up rays, I was forced to return to work today to attend a workshop that will, supposedly, show me how the new 7th grade curriculum will work. It was a good way to get paid for 6 hours and have a nice drive along with the effort.

Now for the sad news....it appears a mutant has crawled into our pool pump, and, alas poor Yorick, I fear he might be dead. I have called for a specialist (House was unavailable) in the hopes that Yor can be brought back to life.

And remember that nice green color we had in the pool before?

Road trip is just under 60 hours away.......Not that I am counting...

Monday, June 14, 2010

A week often takes longer than 7 days

It is only Monday and I am ready and itching to get on the road. I am so desperate to begin my quest that I am actually packing 5 days early....I may need to wear bed sheets to have enough clothes to get through the week. It is raining and dreary here in Tampa....and the pool is again a light shade of green...the pool store claims that its phosphate but I believe its really an Irish pool in native colors for the World Cup. Big news of the day....I may (just a possibility, mind you), may get the Mini for my road trip. This is even more exciting than Angelique finally joining the cast of Dark Shadows on DVD Collection 5!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Final Countdown

In just 5 days I will begin my trek....12 states....3000 miles....2 colleges....in 21 days.....the packing has begun (and the mandatory reading is finished)!

I will say my trip will have me spending nights in all of America's vacation spots....Starting with Slidell, Louisiana, followed by 10 nights in College Station, Texas (Go Aggies!), a night in Addison, Alabama, 3 in Charlotte, NC, 6 in Boone, NC, 1 in Baltimore, and 1 or 2 off I-95