Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 12

Arrived home early in the afternoon, despite a vicious rainstorm around Gainesville that forced me to pull off the road since I could barely see to the end of my car's hood. The final tally...3916.8 miles, averaging 59 miles per hour, using 130 gallons of gasoline (at an average $2.60 per), and getting 30.5 miles per gallon.

I started with an audiobook on the way back from Savannah (Wicked), but quickly lost interest and moved back to music....listening to 70's music for most of the last 7 hours.

I have to admit a sense of sadness upon my return. For the last 3+ weeks I got to do and experience incredible things....the Planting Science workshop was absolutely amazing in terms of both content and people....The Blue Ridge Parkway was AMAZING and I really would love to go back and take a couple of weeks to explore and hike the trails.

But the most amazing thing about it were the people...The Texas group was PHENOMENAL and I will miss the conversations and the company. There were so many that I wish I could have spent more time with...gotten to know better...had the opportunity to see in a classroom..and gotten to know as friends (for more than just 9 days. Gosh I hope they were serious about going back next summer. WRITE ME IN!!!

As to the Blue Ridge...the scenery and the campus were GORGEOUS!!! A lot of this large workshop (38 attendees),were from private schools, and there was a different attitude here. There was a lot more ego....a lot more cliques....and a lot less genuine sharing....although I met 3 or 4 people here that I felt just as strongly about leaving as I did the folks in Texas.

I have never done this before and now I am ready to try this every summer. IT WAS FANTASTIC! However, I am back in my normal life and role...paperwork still has to be done....the garage is again a disaster and I will have to clean it....the weeds invaded the landscape during my trip and have gained a foothold which only a massive assault (which will be hot and sweaty) will have any effect.

I am back to being a normal schlep...but for three brief weeks I was a contender...

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